Surrounded by the Willamette National Forest in all directions, Oakridge has some of the best trails in the Pacific Northwest.
Shuttling is a great way to access the trails in Oakridge. Shuttles run daily from May through October.
Using Your PNW Shuttle Pass in Oakridge, Oregon
Use your pass for a couple of days of shuttle assisted long rides, or cash in for a couple of back-to-back shuttles on a single day. The riding here is spread out to several zones, served by several different shuttles.
Below are the shuttle options and suggested routes available to book with your PNW Shuttle Pass.
Note trails marked with the bolt ⚡️ are open to e-bikes.
1. Alpine Trail
- Alpine Shuttle ⚡️ – This is our most popular trail for good reason: 13+ miles of West Cascades goodness.
- ATCA ⚡️ – Want an all day adventure? Add on Tire Mtn & Cloverpatch trails for a demanding 22-mile ride.
2. Hardesty & Lawler
- Same shuttle van – but different pick up & drop-off locations. Cash in two shuttles and do both trails in one day, the schedule is set up so you can ride both from the same pick up spot.
- Hardesty – Big trees, hanging meadows, fun downhill trail.
- Lawler ⚡️- Slightly rougher than Hardsety with more tech and tighter switchbacks.
town Trails
- 3. Dead MTN Shuttle ⚡️- Meet the shuttle and finish your ride at our headquarters in Oakridge. The top of the trail is machine built berms & rollers while the lower half of the trail is more natural singletrack.
- 4. Larison Shuttle – Shortest shuttle in Oakridge, good for afternoon hot laps.
- Heckletooth Shuttle: Between Dead and Larison is this steep, exposed black diamond trail – so fun!
Contact Us
48333 E. First St. Oakridge, OR 97463
(Corner of 1st & Alder in Uptown)